NXP 74HCT125D Semiconductor is a high-performance quad buffer with 3-state outputs. It is designed to operate over a wide voltage range of 4.5V to 5.5V and can handle a maximum supply voltage of 7V. This semiconductor is ideal for use in computer and wireless control applications, where precise signal switching is required. The NXP 74HCT125D has a compact size and is available in different sizes to meet your specific needs. It is a reliable and durable product that comes with a 1-year warranty.
FAQs of NXP 74HCT125D Semiconductor:
Q: What is the supply voltage of the NXP 74HCT125D Semiconductor?
A: The supply voltage of the NXP 74HCT125D Semiconductor is 220 Volt (v).
Q: What is the application of NXP 74HCT125D Semiconductor?
A: NXP 74HCT125D Semiconductor is ideal for use in computer and wireless control applications.
Q: What is the warranty period for NXP 74HCT125D Semiconductor?
A: NXP 74HCT125D Semiconductor comes with a 1-year warranty.
Q: What is the maximum supply voltage that NXP 74HCT125D Semiconductor can handle?
A: NXP 74HCT125D Semiconductor can handle a maximum supply voltage of 7V.
Q: Is NXP 74HCT125D Semiconductor available in different sizes?
A: Yes, NXP 74HCT125D Semiconductor is available in different sizes to meet your specific needs.